Compliance WARNING: This product, its packag ing and its components cont ain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm.Ģ Home charger-specific safety inf o rmation. Thi s Noti ce is being provided in ac cordance with C alifornia’s Proposition 65. Important safety information PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING PRO DUCT IN VEHICLE This is the safety alert symbol.For regulatory identification purposes: Mio Navman 380 is assigned a model number of N276. It is used to aler t you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. WARNING indicates a potentially haza rdous situation which, if not avoided, could. Home charger-specific safety information T o c h a r g e y o u r M i o f r o m t h e m a i n s p o w e r, u s e t h e h o m e c h a r g e r s u p p l i e d b y M i o a s a n a c c e s s o r y ( m a y b e s o l d s e p a r a t e l y ). Mio now offers you the choice of renting overseas maps for just a small. To complete the package, your Navman 575 comes with Mio’s Total Refresh latest map guarantee because we know that the latest maps and accuracy are essential. The Navman 470, Navman 475 and Navman 575 are unusual in that they are the first third party devices to use TomToms IQ Routes data technology which has been licensed by Mio.For NavDesk7.50, please see the video below: Mio Mio Digiwalker Mio Moov Mio Spirit Mio Navman Garmin TomTom TomTom One ( toate modelele) TomTom XL/ XXL / Xl IQ Routes Tom Tom 300/500/700 TomTom 510/710/715/910 TomTom 520/ 720/ 920 TomTom 530/ 630 /730/ 930 TomTom 540/ 740/ 940 TomTom 550/ 750 / 950 TomTom RiderOther powerful features include 3D Junction Views for clear guidance at intersections and Mio’s Tru Map views. Article by: Darren Griffin Date: Navman have announced three new PNDs for the European market. New Navman Mio models announced - Spirit 470, 475 and 575.